OSX Development Environment


All change

On the 21st July I left Openbet a place that I have both learnt a great deal and a place that I should have probably left a couple of years ago. The last time my laptop running Ubuntu died I decided to automate the process of setting up the next one.

I am in a similar position now in that I will have a new machine. Most likely a Mac. I use Macs at home so I thought I ought to automate the setup of a new machine and apply it to my current one.



I have been using Ansible a lot over the last couple of years and love it. I created a fairly basic playbook when I was provisioning my Ubuntu boxes. Googling around, a handful of projects and shared Ansible roles handle many parts of the process including brew / brew cask for osx. Everytime I install something I try and ensure its added to this project.

The main inspiration for the approach to take was from Jeff Geerling. I forked his mac-dev-playbook project and adapted for my needs.


As part of this process my dotfiles have been combined from my Openbet ones, Guy’s and Mathias Bynens

As part of the forked project Guy has conveniently written a role to install them.

The dotfiles include .osx config settings


I have added a role to install and configure vim. It installs pathogen and bundles for things like nerdtree etc.


Sublime is installed and configured. A handful of the packages that are installed are

  • Package control
  • SideBarEnhancements
  • GitGutter

For the full list see github


See the readme for more info

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